Gourmet Guided Tour

A guided tour of atelier followed by macaroon tasting.

A three-part gourmet tour

  • The history of macaroons.
  • A visit of our workshop, including observation and discussion on the manufacturing process and the raw materials used.
  • Tasting of macaroons fresh out of the oven.

This guided tour is provided by a member of our team.

Tax included

Volume discounts

Quantity Discount You Save
10 €3.96 €39.60

The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 4.


A guided tour of the atelier followed by macaroon tasting

A three-part gourmet tour

  • The history of macaroons.
  • A visit of our workshop, including observation and discussion on the manufacturing process and the raw materials used.
  • Tasting of macaroons fresh out of the oven.

This guided tour is provided by a member of our team.

Duration : 45 min to 1h

Pour plus d'informations et réservations, nous contacter au

Vous êtes professionnel du tourisme, réceptif, TO, Hotel, proposez à vos clients la visite denotre atelier de fabrication artisanale de macarons à l'ancienne. Nous sommes à votre disposition pour étudier des formules adaptées à vos besoins.